The Chumpzilla Award

April 28, 2008

Claudio Ricci, Heartless Chump

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Claudio Ricci has the honor of being the mayor or the small town of Assisi in Italyy. As mayor, he sees his role to be a defender of townm and to “preserve the character of the town and it’s welcome.”

In order to do so, Mayor Ricci has outlawed sitting on the ground, lying down or seeking handouts within 500  meters of town churches and other public places. The irony here is that the most famous son of the town is St Francis of Assisi, patron saint of the poor.

The head of the local Fransiscan monastery as well as the president of the Vatican Council for Peace and Justice have denounced the mayors new law. Mayor Ricci seems motivated by the retoric of premier Berlusconni’s newly won power.

In a town famous for a Saint devoted to helping those in need, We feel that Cladio Ricci was desperately in need of receiving a Chumpzilla Award. Claudio, you are poor in spirit, which is far worse than being poor in finances and makes you todays chump.

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